Sunday, 20 January 2013

"Miracle Chopper"

It’s something you expect in Afghan’stan or Bagdad
Not in the Wandsworth Road, by gad
Helicopter crashing into a crane
To make that up you’d be insane

And the crane driver was late for work
Out of character not known to shirk
What’s that? “A miracle”! You cry
Your big whopper I’m not going to buy

Not such a great one for families of two dead
I think we’ll take that one as read
Simple bad luck it hit the tower
Fuck all to do with a higher power.

Though  ‘miracle’ cries were a tad mute
Don’t want your God portrayed a brute
S’funny how the Bible Boys pick & choose
Claiming credit with nothing to lose.

Chilean miners buried in hell
Who got the credit, well pray tell
It’s that God chap that saved them all
Responding to their praying call

Yet he was the cunt who buried them first
“You bastard God” is what they cursed!
But they all came up alive
All back slapping & high five.

Saved by the dad of that Jesus chap
How can anyone believe that crap?
Chilean miners not ready to die
But he left Lakenal to choke and fry

Call me old fashioned if you must
When it comes to religion I’m not fussed.
Because if this God can pick & choose
By giving him a swerve I’ve nothing to lose.

Dulwich Poet-January 2013

(A helicopter crashed into a crane, which on top of a skyscraper block of flats, at Vauxhall, on 16th January, killing the pilot & one person on the ground. In 2010 33 Chilean miners spent 69 days trapped underground, before being rescued. Lakenal is a block of council flats in Camberwell, where there was fire, in which six people died, in July 2009 )

(I read this at 'Outsider Performers', part of the Shuffle Festival , which was on the sit of St. Clements Hospital, Bow, E3.)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


It’s been a while
Since I put pen to paper
Keen as mustard
For the first few days
Then excuses
For scribbling delays.

Cogs whirring
Dormant brain cells turning
All systems go!
Be real-there are no targets
This isn’t the news on the radio
Like LBC
On the hour, every hour.
If I do that I’ll blow a fuse.

This is supposed to be
Creative writing
I think is the poncy term
Even more so than…
(Whisper it) POETRY.
It’s something I like
Want to enjoy
Not get under my skin
And start to destroy.

Does it matter if there’s ‘writers block’?
What that means I’ve no idea
So it’s not actually that
But near enough.
Glancing at the time on the clock
A notebook by my bed
Fat lot of good; that’s my wanking time!

Make a habit jot down what’s in my head
General thoughts from my memory bank
I curse myself if I don’t get it saved
Gone forever…the line I craved.
There’s nothing worse than forgetting
Write it down when I can
Surely not to hard to understand?

Is it worth getting wound up about?
Pouring fuel on my fire of self doubt
Deep breathing releasing pressure
Writing things down at my leisure.

Poetry writing should be to enjoy
Not another tool to self destroy
I must use my pen where and when
And not to beat myself up again.

Dulwich Poet-January 2013

(When I was chatting to a fellow Dulwich Hamlet supporter, at the beginning of January 2013, it crept out in conversation that he writes poetry. I said I hadn’t done so since I’d left school really, & he encouraged me to start again. He told me he tries to write one a day, which is far too ambitious for me)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

"Well Deserved"

A flip flop’s a beach shoe on my feet
Not a second home used to cheat
Who would think of a home for gain
Let the train take the strain!
There they go cap in hand
And never claiming the basic brand!
Maybe I’m jealous as I have no moat
Is it MY greed that gets my goat?
Some get rumbled politics career dead
Conveniently mental in the head
It could be genuine, not a recent feat
Don’t think it would work for a benefits cheat.
Teachers, tube drivers…driven by greed
Unlike MPs who are really in need
They’re not out of touch, is what they bleat
Blame the poor man in the street!
Westminster after a 32 per cent rise
On top of their Parliamentary salary prize
No wonder they set their own wage deals
They clearly know how poverty feels.
I’m not well paid but I’m not poor
Crap money is a supermarket floor
There’s nothing wrong to aspire
A living wage a little higher
More power to the railway workers
I’ve never call them a bunch of shirkers
For without their trade union power
It’s minimum wage every hour.
I’d love to be in this together
Not have to worry about cold weather
But I’m not an Eton millionaire toff
So the Tory bastards can fuck off!

Dulwich Poet- 12th January 2013

(Members of Parliament wanted to give themselves a huge increase in salary, while closing the front desks of police stations, among many other public cuts. )

Thursday, 10 January 2013

"Postman Plod"

Giros to the left, grasses to the right
No more cop shops middle of the night
Well they say prison’s one big holiday camp
So they may as well nick you buying a stamp

Go the whole hog with this ‘two for one’
Pop along with a fucking great gun
Just say you were getting your ankle tag
Perfect alibi for your Post Office blag.

“We’re all in this together” is the Con-Dem line
And to an extent that’s actually fine
Just if we’re in the same ‘making cuts’ boat,
I’d much rather it was across their throat.

Shut the nicks, & turn the clock back;
Make sure policemen don’t get the sack.
Just early retirement or a sick pension
More than enough for Maggie’s henchmen.

No returning to Dixon of Dock Green
Old Bill will be like they’re always been
A sly nasty kick in at the station
After they’ve nicked you on a demonstration

Mr. Two-Up, and Mrs. Two-Down,
They were the ones who used to frown-
Union thugs on the telly
Nasty commie underbelly

Til the day it’s them forced on strike
Realisation what police are really like
Clubbed by truncheons on a demonstration
Media cover ups to fool the nation

No, you never realised it was like this
Trade Unionists took the piss
Fed establishment lies you took the bait
All in cohorts to support the state.

Fake hue & cry to support your nick
They’ve ulterior motives so don’t be thick!
Panic stations the middles classes
Blowing out of their property owning arses.

Stop for a moment and take stock
If your station shuts will YOU treble lock?
The answer’s no even if alone,
It’s not very likely they’ll burgle your home.

You’re just as safe in the street,
No matter how many coppers plod your beat
If you’re a victim of crime it’s just bad luck
A cut is a cut…they don’t give a fuck!

If I’m honest there’s only one message to send
“Harry Roberts is our friend, is our friend…”
I’d rather we got rid of the lot
Preferably down the barrel of A Raoul Moat shot!

Dulwich Poet- 10th January 2013

(The Government want to close down the front desks of many police stations, & relocating areas where the public can speak to police 'face to face' to places like post offices.
Harry Roberts was a robber, who was part of a gang that shot three policemen dead in 1966, he is still in prison today. Raoul Moat  killed two people, & blinded a policeman with a shotgun in 2010, the policeman later taking his own life. Moat was killed 'by suicide' by police marksmen)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Picking up a pen after 20 odd years
No Dutch courage of a few beers
I’m not sure where this will go
Best just let the pen ink flow.

Football is such an emotional game
When given a cheque you want to frame
Too generous to really bank
Better laminate and have a wank

Then having that chat in the Cherry Tree
Unlocking your mind, setting it free
A million thoughts in hibernation
Awakening to use you as inspiration

Now I’ve started can I stop
Or will it be an almighty flop?
I can answer that by being 15 lines in
On the 176 bus home I’m starting to grin

All it needs are words and thoughts
Poetry’s not poncy..that has to be taught
So why am I scared of being caught
Is that why I feel so fraught?

Ok, you’ve convinced me: I’ll give it a go
Nutrition for the brain: I can only grow
You’ve inspired me to write some more
Apologising in advance if I become a bore.

Dulwich Poet-8th January 2013

Monday, 7 January 2013


It's a funny old thing
Have you ever wondered
How you're going to die
Or what happens when you're dead?
I have.

Such is my lack of self-esteem
I see my death in a dream
Constantly. More repeats than ITV
Asleep at night all I can see.
A parachute jump without the chute
Let me tell you, it's no hoot
Those last few seconds scare me to shit
Those moments before the ground is hit.
When I choose it will be a train
Just one bang and no pain
Sorry driver you have no choice
It's my life. It's MY choice.
For those who know me, no need to fear
It won't happen this or next year
Just one distant darkened night
I shall know when the moment is right.
Platform's picked for me to go thump
Certainty of death in my jump.
No am dram of slashing wrist'
Or vodka & pills getting pissed.
I know people like me and I'm not bad
Doesn't explain constantly sad
'Black Dog' doesn't engulf me inside
But in my head there's a puppy to hide.
Life could be better, life could be worse
If I was ordinary I wouldn't try verse
Accept that life is lonely mundane
Just get on & apportion no blame.

Dulwich Poet-7th January 2013.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


There’s no rhyme or reason
Poetry garbled treason
How many lines how many stanzas
Matching to German tank Panzers
But why does it all have to end the same
The frozen mindset it’s all a game
Maybe should jot down what I think of first
See what happens in fragmented bursts.
Sunday aft’noon at the Festival Hall
Searching for cock fun no luck at all
Go upstairs to floor five
The room’s open with poetry alive
Racks & stacks thousands of tomes
Hidden away in a spectacular home
Stone throw away from the London Eye
New Year fireworks high in the sky
As if it’s Bonfire Night instead
Crash bang fizzing, whizz round my head.
Can’t believe I’m at table and chairs
Nor really both’ring if anyone cares
What will my words mean…no idea
Realisation nothing to fear!
Fertiliser for the mind and well being
This is what I’m already seeing.
Gis a clue how long  I should go on…
Poetry’s NOT poncy, the phrase a con!
Who gives a fuck what it means
When life’s never what it seems.
Am I normal, am I crazy?
Dividing line all too hazy.
Here I am with pen and pad
Nudged by a mate I’m so glad
Am content with that ‘Ready Brek’ glow
Rarin’ to give this poetry shit a go!

Dulwich Poet- 6th January 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013

"Here we go"

Cleansing the soul, clearing the mind
Am I just being scared of what I find
Start from scratch just wait and see
One thing is certain I’ll only be me

But I’m int’rested in this poetry lark
Won’t be a stroll in the park
Not having faith could hold me back
Lack of posh words hope I stay on track

A gesture & a chat is my inspiration
I’ve not written for a generation
The pub’s expensive
That makes me pensive

But I don’t need a drink
To make me think
Costs fuck all to make a rhyme
Liking poetry’s not a crime

Dulwich Poet- 5th January 2013