Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Picking up a pen after 20 odd years
No Dutch courage of a few beers
I’m not sure where this will go
Best just let the pen ink flow.

Football is such an emotional game
When given a cheque you want to frame
Too generous to really bank
Better laminate and have a wank

Then having that chat in the Cherry Tree
Unlocking your mind, setting it free
A million thoughts in hibernation
Awakening to use you as inspiration

Now I’ve started can I stop
Or will it be an almighty flop?
I can answer that by being 15 lines in
On the 176 bus home I’m starting to grin

All it needs are words and thoughts
Poetry’s not poncy..that has to be taught
So why am I scared of being caught
Is that why I feel so fraught?

Ok, you’ve convinced me: I’ll give it a go
Nutrition for the brain: I can only grow
You’ve inspired me to write some more
Apologising in advance if I become a bore.

Dulwich Poet-8th January 2013

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