As little trips go
This has got to be the worst
Cut short by an illness
There's a first.
Thes things happen
Call it fate
Mustn't beat myself up
Not get in a two and eight.
Departing early was my choice
I was only speaking
What they were too scared to voice.
It's buggered my budget
Until I'm paid next
But if my Belgian 'family' got ill
I'd be more than vexed.
Stuck in Brussels
Unable to eat or cook
I kept myself busy
With poetry and a book
Pounding the streets
Gives you time to think
Things might be bad
But not at the brink
Sat on Eurostar
Am calmly at ease
With the state of my life
Should be on my knees
Deep down inside I can be a nice person
Life can improve if I don't let it worsen
Just don't know if I can do 'rational calm'
Without heading for the funny farm
As soon as I get home & through my door
It hits me how much my life is poor
I cannot promise to take control
But for what life I have left
That must be my goal.
Dulwich Poet 1st July 2013
(I had been in Belgium, I chose to leave my friends early, as I was ill, and didn't want them to catch whatever I had, if it was infectious, but I was stuck in Brussels for two days, until my train home. It got me thinking about what had happened, and my life)
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