Saturday, 6 February 2016

"Who the fuck are Palace?"

Saturday morning train
That quiet time
When I stare across
Wanting to commit a crime.
Not a run of the mill one
As in nick your Metro or brolly
Thoughts going round my head
Totally off my trolly.
Imagination running riot
As you catch me staring
Do I look bovvered
I'm beyond caring.
You would have been anonymous
If it wasn't for your scarf
Crystal fucking Palace
Are you having a laugh?
I want to poke out your eyes
Stamp on your head
String you up from the roof
Leave you there for dead.
You ruined my journey
Poisoned my day
I can't stand Palarse
What more can I say?
This may not seem rational
Because it's so full of hate
Deep down I'm a dinosaur
Change is far too late.
On the plus side I'm older
With age I mellow
Grown out of screaming abuse
Can't be arsed to bellow.
In my mind I'm calling you
All the names under the sun
Yet I don't know if you even go to games
When all is said and done.
As I'm heading toward fifty
Violence is 'safe' in my brain
Plus you don't realise  how 'lucky' you are
With CCTV all over the train.
Time to get off Canada Water
You're down the escalator
Go ahead and and make my day
Get hit by a double-decker later.

Dulwich Poet 6th February 2016

(I wrote this on the train to work this morning. The words just came out onto my notebook when I bloke got on wearing a Crystal Palace scarf and sat opposite me...)

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