Wednesday, 22 May 2013

"Memory Loss"

There's nothing worse
Than losing a verse
Cracking idea in your head
Lost in your thoughts
Never to be read.
The proper thing to do is jot it down
Rather than wander round town
Wearing a frown.
Why get so annoyed about words
That didn't exist?
More will flow from your pen
At the flick of a wrist.
Can you tell me then
What poetry is?
All definitions given
Are a bit of a swizz.
To steal and change a description
From the 'History Boys' film:
'What is poetry'?
"It's just one fucking word
After another"
Should I be bovvered, why do I care?
Does it matter what I share?
My 'problem' is friends sidling up in the street
Being rather nice, my poems are neat.
I realise they like them and are being kind,
But increase the pressure in my mind.
My poems are 'paintings' on the walls of the Tate
Either total shit or fucking great.
As long as I accept it's just fun to write
I'll get over poetry stage fright.

Dulwich Poet 22nd May 2013

(Basically, I still can't used to the fact that what I'm writing, no matter how average is 'poetry', & that I'm actually a 'poet'; which anyone can be, if they pick up a pen. I accept most of what I write is bland, and that I have a limited vocabulary, which is why I hate it so much when I have an idea for a poem, then it goes out of my head forever, when it seemed such a good idea at the time! )

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