Tuesday, 28 May 2013

"My Other Birthday"

Can you tell me where you were
Exactly eleven years ago today?
I know where I was
It was the day
I had to face facts
And accepted I had to act.
Too unwell to get out of bed
If I didn’t change I would be dead.
Coming back from the first time on tour
Realisation I could cope no more
I knew I’d been a total disgrace
Five long days out of my face.
Nothing particularly unusual in that
Everyone used to me a pisshead prat
I’d realised for a while I was mess
But deluding myself I was
‘Just worse than the rest’.
Genuinely thought I could cope
But deep down there was no hope.
One moment I was sweating, baking hot
The I was freezing, shivering as bad as it got.
If I had died in my bed
I couldn’t have cared less
I was in such a pit  of a low
A total mess.
My ‘saviour’ was an ‘ex-drinking partner’ in A.A.
I’ll always be grateful he picked up his phone that day.
Asked him to take me to a meeting
Kindness shown took some beating.
It’s not been easy, I still want to drink
A few dodgy times I’ve been on the brink
But so far-touch wood- not picked up a glass
Managed to make those feeling pass.
Now it’s not often I get to a meeting
Drinking thoughts are mercifully fleeting
But I always know where the A.A. rooms are
If I feel that temptation in a bar.
One thing I know is you can’t change the past
What’s been done is set and cast
In reality I should have no friends
And I’m totally shit at making amends
I’m told by many I should be proud
Can only accept the plaudits under a cloud
I know you shouldn’t dwell on the past
But over my life such a shadow is cast.
I suppose I’ll never be ‘normal’
What that word should actually mean
But I can take comfort from the extraordinary fact
That TODAY I AM ELEVEN YEARS of alcohol clean!
“My  God Edgar
Grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference”

Dulwich Poet 28th May 2013

( I am a recovering alcoholic, and today marked thirteen years since my first day without a drink, after I returned from a Supporters’ Team tour to Amsterdam)

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