Wednesday, 13 November 2013

"My Friend's Mother"

Today I said farewell
To a lady I never knew
But it was a privilege
To have sat on a pew
At a mate's mums funeral
That was religion free
With an absence of waffle
Being the key.
A humanist funeral
Done so well
'Imagine' was playing
No heaven or hell.
Just the true story
Of a wonderful life
No 'meeting your maker'
Or any of that strife.
I'd have loved to have met her
As she sounded
Principled old school
Her spirit never broken
By divide and rule.
A post-War baby
Brixton bred
With a moving tribute
From old veteran Red Ted.
Harking back to time
When politics was from the heart
Not about soundbites
Or toeing the party line.
No mistaking guacamole for mushy peas
And washing it down with fine red wine.
Just beer and sandwiches on the table
A helping hand for those less able.
I wish you'd been my Councillor
And you sounded a great mum
With a loving husband and two sons
Extremely proud of all you done.
From bomb sites in Brixton
To County Hall
If there is an afterlife
Hold your head up
Walk tall.

Dulwich Poet 13th November 2013

(I went to the funeral today, of an old football mates mum. She had spent her life as a Labour Party activist, and trade unionist, solidly on the left, who never 'sold out' her principles. I never knew her, but it was a joy and an honour to be there to celebrate her life.)

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