Sunday, 18 December 2016

"Christmas Treat"

Sitting in an Old Skool boozer
It would have been posh back in the day
Here on the Sunday before Christmas
It's where the poets come out to play.
I've come here to listen
Be entertained for free
Most of these are propa Old Skool
Which is what I want to see.
None of those beards from Shoreditch
Or Dalston hipsters up their arse
Working class poetry from the heart
Observations being first class.
A West Ham fan spouts his nonsense
But his stuff ain't bad
Problem is I can't stand the 'Ammers
Secretly I'm trying not to get mad.
Today's not about football boundaries
Whatever side of the river you live
It's about working class unity
And what you have to give.
Save anger for the posh cunts
And the revolution that's slow to come
Not to be wasted on a poet
Even if he's a West Ham tosser...and some! ;-)
Sorry I can't let go...
I'm Sarf Lunnon and prahd
That's what football does to you
It can divide an anonymous crowd.
I need to keep my two lives separate
Think about the message of what we write
Football's for the terrace
A wound-up poet ain't right.
Time to chill at the Betsy
Supping my orange & lemonade
In awe of the talent reading
Knowing I'll never make their grade.
Content to be on the fringes
Part of this poetry thing
It's the highlight of my Christmas
Despite the joy it's supposed to bring.
I get my pleasure from football
Yesterday we lost to a late goal
This is ideal for my 'pick-me-up'
To get out of a depressing hole.
Football's generally not for enjoyment
In all honesty it's a curse
That's why I so love poetry
My escapism's in verse.
I can stay true to my roots
Knowing who I am
If I've got to mix with a few posh cunts
I no longer give a damn.
I'll mix with anyone
As long as you're decent at heart
Provided you're for the poetry
Rather than wanky art.
For all poetry means to me
Jot down what's in your head
It's a bonus if you're working class
A leftie and a red.
The day's been a celebration
Of poetry & being working class
If you happen to be a lah-di-dah interloper
I'd ride with it and let you pass.

Dulwich Poet 18th December 2016

(On the Sunday before Christmas I went to listen & enjoy a Poetry all-dayer, at the Betsy Trotwood pub, in Farringdon. A great mix of working class poets to listen to, but one or two posher people in the audience...)

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