Tuesday, 31 December 2013

"Old and New Fusion dream"

Well how strange was that!
Waking up with a start thinking...
What on earth was all that about?
Dreaming...not daring to dissect.
It was the twenty first century
For the Voodoo Stick was there
Though as far as I could tell
Our pink and blue Wizard Robert
Was without his cowbell.
See..told you it was strange.
It was a home game
But the stand was on the 'wrong' side.
Though....it seemed
As if it was the old ground
Which the vast majority
Of our current crowd
Cannot even recall
With some not even being born
When it was hit
By the demolition ball.
Last night
All in my head
It was a cup tie
In what I know not
For we were playing...
St. Johnstone!
Their fans on newly concrete steps
Down at the front of the old Greendale end
The old dirt terrace
Still rising high behind.
Along the side
Gone is our new one-sided stadium
And the old covered terrace is there
Exactly as it was
Crash barriers in the same spot
Except they stood in more
Of that fresh concrete
Built as a labour of love
By Shaun Dooley
Who was still at it with his trowel!
We were all impresed...
But as for the game
Against the Saints
I cannot tell you the score
Which I know is rather poor.
My alarm went off
And I woke up with a start
For a moment not able
To tell fact and fiction apart
Jumping out of bed
To get to work on time.
A fusion of old and new
In my head but feeling true.
I dread to think what a shrink
Would make of all this if I were
Resting on their couch.
Self analysing
I guess I want
A good future
Without letting go
Of the ghosts of my past.
It is New Years Eve after all.
By way of a P.S.
The present was never far
As Yasmin was still running the bar
So it's just as well as my dream
Came to an abrupt halt
With her at helm
I don't want to know
What lays ahead
As I fear my Football Club's
Soon to be dead.
(To be continued....
Depending if I have another tonight)
Sweet dreams....

Dulwich Poet 31st December 2013

(This morning I woke up, having had a weird Dulwich Hamlet terrace football dream. It seemed so real, but I was annoyed that I could only recall bits of it!)

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