Tuesday 29 August 2017

"Silly Billy Pilley"

I've always believed in honesty
Say something to my face
But don't do that and not explain
You fucking basket case.
Whisper it gently
I 'secretly' like the 'poetry scene'
Not just my fellow working class poets
Even the middle class and all shapes inbetween.
Some of the hipster cunts I can't stand
But in the main I'm polite
It's all part and parcel
Of a spoken word poetry night.
As I said, whisper it gently
Some of those 'weird ones' are OK
I really can't get angry with them
So tempers never fray.
That almost changed
After I tried to be polite
Having enjoying being part of an event
I went to shake someone's hand goodnight.
It was someone I hadn't seen for a while
Not so much a friend but someone I knew 
Holding my hand out to say hello
That's when I nearly blew!
Trying to ignore me
He went to turn away
I was bemused to say the least
Didn't know what to say.
"Turncoat and a traitor"
That is what he sneered
Did I really hear that right
This is fucking weird.
It tool a moment to register
Is that what he said
What's the cunt on about
Trying to mess with my head.
Like I'm really bothered
I'm not playing to your tune
Spouting a load of drivel
You're just fucking loon!
You've tried to wind up the wrong person
As you'll find next time we meet
When I ask you next for an explanation
You'll be in for a treat.
If you want to play silly Pilley
Two can play at this game
And it's not one that I'll lose
For you more's the shame.
I'm not one of those you can bully
In your poncy luvvie style
I thought it best to tell you
This might go on for a while.
That's until you make an apology
Say you made a mistake
Cos you can't intimidate me
You muggy cunt hard man fake.
A middle class no-mark tosser
Who hails from Southend-on-Sea
Do you really think little Essex boy
You're going to intimidate me?
I wouldn't meekly take what you said
At football from one of my own
To a traitor and a turncoat who I used to like
Can you reap what you have sown?

Dulwich Poet 29th August 2017

(Last Saturday, after reading at a poetry event, one of the 'performers' refused to shake my hand, and called me a 'traitor and a turncoat', then refused to explain...)

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